Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Week 5: Thing 10 and 11

I am getting a little over my head here. I did work with one of the image sites, but I didn't get too far and didn't have a particular goal in mind so I gave up on it.

I looked over the web 2.0 award winning sites and decided that I would try to use del.icio.us. I had already decided that it would be useful to be able to access my bookmarks from any computer, not just mine. I have it set up now, but I wish I could just import all of the bookmarks that I already have, into it. I don't seem to be able to figure out how to do that. It looks like I have to enter them, one at a time, as I use them. If anyone has the answer, please let me know.

I also looked ahead to the next week, and see that we are supposed to look at del.icio.us then, as well. Maybe I will be able to get ahead. Also, is there a special way that it is supposed to be pronounced? I just say it like delicious.

I haven't looked at Ning yet, so I will add a 11 1/2 post about that later.


Barb said...

Don't worry about feeling over your head. There is no way you can start using all this stuff at once. But in the future when a problem comes up, you just might remember a good tool for it.

About del.icio.us, when you log in, go to "settings" and there is an option to import bookmarks from your browser. It is quite slick. Thanks to you, I figured out how to do it and now I can upload both my work and home bookmarks now and will never think, "Dang-it, what is that site I bookmarked at homs?"

See you are already solving other people's problems!

lynnlibrarian said...

Wow! I have been so busy that I haven't been able to finish this until now. My brother told me about a Firefox add-on called Foxylicious that he used to import his bookmarks, but I followed your directions Barb, and am in the middle of downloading my bookmarks now. Thanks for the tip!